1:1 Executive Leadership Coaching

1:1 Executive Leadership Coaching is for the leader who is conscious of, and committed to, their privilege to have a meaningful impact as leader.

The leaders I coach know how to “try harder” (they’ve done it for years!), and now they are smart enough to know “try harder” is no longer the path to sustainable, powerful leadership.

Mind The Core leadership coaching is about helping the leader to step into their leadership without the struggle. I coach leaders to experience stability in change, get focused on what (really) matters, and optimize what is theirs to lead.

As a leader’s coach,

  • I have the leader’s back as they explore and test new boundaries;

  • Ensure they learn to accelerate their ability to get back to center;

  • Introduce them to just-in-time resources that they can use for themselves and others they lead;

  • Enhance their capacity to take on ongoing change and opportunities.

Through the right mix of weekly or bimonthly coaching, 1:1 VIP days, 360 studies, and assessments, my tailored coaching programs help leaders to:

  • Gain perspective on and overcome old habits, patterns and stories;

  • Make strategic decisions with certainty;

  • Own their power + purpose;

  • Lead in uncharted territory, escape stymied creativity, and ultimately, make a truly meaningful impact;

  • Build leaders on their team;

  • Feel their expansion and experience what it’s like to be energized in their life.

Do you think coaching is for you? Complete the Coaching Intake Form to tell me more about yourself.

If you think coaching is right for a leader in your organization, please email liz@mindthecore.com.